Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I'm waiting for my country to be returned to us

If clint0n wins the nomination the rest of us will have a severe recession.

It will be another four year term of economic dillydallying, continuance of what is called job creation in the corporate sector, inflating the federal CPI with irrelevant, bottom-of-the-barrel junk manufacturing and service sector figures so thereby lying about what national GDP is supposed to represent: people power. Clint0n will continue to take money from corporate lobbyists which includes defense contractor lobbyists.

Sustainable and domestic sources of energy plus for-profit business proposals for reducing our carbon footprint will be delayed, watered down to insignificance or loaded up with weak executive orders under a clint0n administration which trickle down to the U.S. Senate and House and could include bill provisions like, "mandate homeowners replace their light bulbs with compact fluorescents". Duh, everyone knows that! The corporate media is now advertising this and at the same time distracting us from the more important, critical issues. They're trying to give green energy a bad name by reporting that moderate increases in ethanol production are to blame for the majority of our food shortages. Perhaps U.S. farmers who get subsidies to immediately dispose of what they grow and leave their lands fallow should be examined more closely? Clint0n won't buy into the clean coal propaganda but I wager she would seriously consider France's insidious use of nuclear energy ( at around 60 to 70 percent use countrywide, there ) and try to stipulate that building more fission power plants is safer and cleaner then coal. Don't think that this could happen with the future abundance of solar power and the ability to decentrally distribute that power? Think again with clint0n or mccain.

This creeping fascism is not unlike what Thom Hartmann has occasionally warned us about on Air America. They are trying to bring about a Fourth Reich. Corporate ringleaders like this schmuck:


The top WSJ editor just left. Top media shill Rupert Murdoch is reshuffling DowJones media and just bought Newsday for US$580 mil and now has direct control of 3/10 of the nation's largest newspapers. How long before him, his proxies or the micro$oft/.NET/value-added resell cronies go after companies like RBC Dain Rauscher? They're already trying to infiltrate Yahoo.

This worrying trend is an indirect, new form of fascism. Forget about applying the old labels of jingoism, cronyism, despotism and corporate fascism. These patterns of behavior are a new blend of narcissism and militancy; we now are dealing with both shady alliances & coalitions between commercial entities and militaries worldwide and that the only way to make money is their way of hegemony -- putting their interests before the people's interests. What is left of the corporate sector is too powerful they have taken the shell company facade which the banana republics, Switzerland and the CIA were good at replicating for self-agendas and are taking it to new extremes. Political, legal and economic powers and the money that dictates each of these powers is now too concentrated.

Edison/Mitofsky - 5 television networks - A.P. poll:


The MSM cannot attack Barack's political, religious and diplomatic credentials so presently they are going after his former colleagues in smart but not so clever stages; picking apart every word he has said and strategically at times concatenating Obama's words to make his speeches and public conversations read or sound like something he didn't actually say. I remember when his campaign really got running back in February 2007 the MSM started publishing decidedly inconvenient and ill timed pictures of him. It was a nationwide visual witchhunt and I have backed up archives to prove it. Pictures with his eyes closed. Pictures of him standing awkwardly, if only for a moment. Sweeping pictures with larger than necessary f-ratios of Obama near stupid looking people or zealots to make the setting look like those were the types of people he consorted with regularly. Basically they tried to play the crazy card with him in the beginning by falsely mocking up his image. This is how vicious today's media sycophants are. These knuckleheads take both their investigative and contextual cues from the disciples of Karl Rove and the Mark Penn/corporate America AmeriKKKa playbook. The mainstream media feels that it's their job to parse context for us the moment we let our collective guard down. They know censorship is much harder to get away with so they use their financial muscle to confuse the message, launch personal attacks, perpetuate innuendo & needless gossip and harp on candidates indirect dealings with unreputable or unpopular organizations, one time collaborations and individuals' forays away from the mainstream path.

When dick cheney/rum$feld/P.N.A.C.'s private little war on terror is over it will be compared to the States' Red $care but far worse for its ongoing confluence of increased defense spending, extended military deployments using stop-loss ( the hidden draft ), INS/immigrant fearmongering and the near zero sum game catapulted at those of us who seek and strive for living wage employment.

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