Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Obamatic for the people

Props to REM for this week's catchphrase. So I was in the Corvallis Obama headquarters today and got a good view of how students and folks there are running local efforts to get out the vote. For the most part it looks very professional. There is weekly canvassing plus orientation. This guy I met there follows a calendar protocol to help coordinate activity. Before when I came in to meet the head honcho I almost was able to get my own post-it on the public calendar. Given, post-its are limited simply by their dimensions and can easily get lost.

I think this blog service has a calendar tool perhaps we should link in with that. More later ...

It is good to hear OSU has a real men's basketball coach now. I know actually very little about sports in general and even I was aware the Beavs were doing very poorly last season. Maybe the players will get out of the bottom of the pit and make average or better then average plays now that Coach Robinson is at the helm. Incidentally, Mr. Robinson is Sen. Obama's brother in-law. I watched most of the 1st and 2nd quarters of the NCAA final game with Kansas against Memphis last night! This game was unbelievable not only because Kansas put it into overtime but because both sides were moving very quickly and had expert timing with passes, not to mention the high accuracy shots too. At first I didn't know who I should cheer for then suddenly I decided it was the Jayhawks who didn't suck. Good choice, Nick.


Unknown said...

I was actually in Weaver D's (the restaurant that is the source for the phrase "Automatic for the People") the other day and he was talking on the phone and actually said "Obamamatic for the People" when refering to the catch phrase. Please pass this on, he was speaking to someone and was really excited about folks co-opting the phrase.

Proudlee Henpeck said...

To update--there's a guy in Athens, friends with "the" Weaver D, who is making bumper stickers with the phrase: "Obamatic for the People--Athens, GA supports Barack Obama in 08" and selling them at the restaurant.

I met the guy and his lovely lady friend at a party recently--the stickers are on sale at Weaver Ds and damn if I don't keep forgetting to go get one.